Monthly Archives: March 2014

50th Reunion “Save the Date”

Info from Gregg Neuleib:

The 50th reunion committee wanted to get the “Save the Date” notice out for July 2-3, 2016.

Thank you Stan L. Maddox for posting about it earlier this a.m. I think he’s going to put it on the site as well. Tentative plans for a hornline, guard, as well as our already-organized drumline are forming. We will post our sub-committee needs soon. We want to use as many of you for various things as possible. One very important job will be finding EVERYONE! I believe we will have a leader and committee for each era of the corps and maybe we can have a huge reunion. ’66-73, ’74-’80, ’81-’86, ’87-’95 would be the four different sections representing the Kewanee, early Geneseo, later Geneseo, and Quad City years. Obviously there will be overlapping but hopefully we can catch everyone. We will get more out in a couple weeks. Start the suggestions.