Website Changes

Hi everyone, I think I’ve got everything worked out with the site. I was working on a few changes today and I’m going to go through and tell you about them so you can see what’s going on.

1. The most noticeable difference is the removal of the sidebar/column on the right side of the page. I’ve removed some of the content that wasn’t as important, and condensed it to one column on the left. My main reason for this is that a few pages were having trouble fitting everything into the small middle column. I expanded the main column so that things would fit better. A good example of this is the email list. The chart (which I’m a little behind on updating, I know) didn’t used to all be visible, now it should be.

2. I changed the forum (again, I know, I’m sorry). The forum is more integrated into the site now, no separate login for a different looking website. You can get there by the Forum link at the top of the page.

3. The elements in the left sidebar have changed a bit, so I’ll just mention what they are/do.

a. The first one is the site search, if you’re looking for a specific person, or other info, it works pretty well.

b. The second thing is a donate button, for those of you who would like to help support the Knights website by donating a small amount of money (through paypal, but you shouldn’t need a paypal login to send a payment). Every little bit helps.

c. Then we have the “Meta” section. This part will require a bit more explanation.
The first two links, Register and Log in, allow you to register as a user of the website. You don’t have to log in to view the site, but it makes commenting easier, and you need to register to use the forum. It also allows me to set people as contributors, so that later on, if some of you would like to add your own content, write your own blog posts, etc, we can do that.
The second two links, Entries RSS and Comments RSS, are the rss feed links for the blog/news posts and the comments, respectively. If you don’t know what RSS means, you don’t need to worry about it, it’s useful if you do know though.
The last link,, just goes to the WordPress homepage. WordPress is what I use to manage/run/create the site.

d. Next is the standard weather icon, showing the current weather in Geneseo.

e. Then the pages section, which lists the pages on the site (pretty much the same as what’s at the top of the page.

f. Then the categories section. I try to put every post into a category: reunion news, website news, in memoriam (for Knights and family who have passed away). You can use these links to sort by category.

g. Finally, the links section. This is just a collection of links for general drum corps resources.

So, some new stuff, some stuff that’s been there for a while, but you may not have realized it. I hope you like it, feel free to let me know what you like, don’t like, want to see, etc. either by commenting on this post, or privately by emailing me at


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